

Easy-to-read paper ballots best way to ensure accurate vote counts.


On the heels of the Florida Presidential Election fiasco, the Michigan Republican Assembly (MRA) is forming an election task force addressing voting reform. The group suggests easy-to-read paper ballots and choosing vote counters at random from a pool of election workers.

Michigan's Secretary of State, Candice Miller likes the computer "touch-screen" voting system but the MRA stresses that it is more important to be accurate than to be speedy.

The MRA, which is not affiliated with the Republican Party, has about 250 members statewide and endorses candidates who support its beliefs -- regardless of their party affiliation.

John Robertson, a Bloomfield Hills lawyer, is the State chairman for the assembly. "In a nutshell, we're trying to put principle over politics," states Robertson.

The MRA supports many issues -- among which are traditional family values including opposition to abortion and assisted suicide along with a wide variety of other issues affecting Americans.

Robertson has sent invitations to join the task force to Michigan leaders in all walks of life as well as to representatives of political parties.

To date, the MRA has been joined in this effort by; the Michigan Reform Party, the Michigan Taxpayers Party and Citizens for a Fair Vote Count.

Mark Forton, Chairman of the Reform Party of Michigan says, "The Presidential election of 2000 and its Florida Soap Opera, underscore the need for election reform. As we promote the idea of Political Reform, we must remember that any hope of maintaining Liberty in this Republic depends on honesty and integrity of our elections. That goal can never be achieved with computer software of any kind. Honest elections are conducted with verifiable paper ballots that are counted at the precinct."

To join this effort contact:

John Robertson, Chair, Michigan Republican Assembly, P.O. Box 648, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 48303

Or send an E-mail to: mra@mich.com

You are encouraged to check back often for future updates and progress reports on this subject.